About Us
Chesnee High School, one of two high schools in Spartanburg School District Two, is located in Chesnee, South Carolina near the intersection of SC highways 11 and 221. With an enrollment of 680 students in grades 9-12, we offer numerous extracurricular opportunities including 14 varsity sports, an award-winning Fine Arts department, and a number of clubs and organizations. Our staff of 3 administrators, 45 teachers and 32 support staff challenge and support all our students as we prepare them for success in college and careers.

Mission Statement
The mission of Chesnee High School is to provide rigorous educational opportunities for all students in a safe and nurturing environment, to enable students to become socially responsible citizens, and to prepare students to excel globally in academics and careers.

All students can learn and will be provided with equal opportunities to learn.
Education is the collaborative effort of the student, family, school, and community.
Our school provides a safe and supportive environment.
Students are treated equally, fairly, and as individuals in their learning environment.
Teachers are committed to meet the individual academic needs of each student.
Students are prepared to become contributing member of a culturally diverse society.
The learning process is applicable, rigorous, and consistent with the South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards and the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
Our school is committed to continuous improvement and to a tradition of excellence.